Whitefish Mold Testing

Owned & Operated Through
D.Quinn Construction INC.
Mold is the most common name used to describe the more than 100,000 varieties of fungus that can live and grow in a person’s house. In general, mold is a living thing, and because of how many different species there are, it takes up a giant portion of the fungi kingdom’s strata. Until very much research had been done into mold, it was believed that these little organisms were actually in the plant kingdom, but because of their mode of reproduction, mold was reclassified as fungus.

Mold reproduces by creating spores, not seeds. These spores are released into the air, where they travel, looking for another place to latch and begin to grow. Before the spores find their resting place, they have a durable coating, which protects them from bleach, high temperatures, and other chemicals.
These spores are not visible with the naked eye and require very intense microscopes in order to be able to see them. One small patch of mold may have billions and billions of spores, called a colony. When spores collect on a surface and begin to spread, they may grow into colonies with a variety of colors, consistencies, textures, and smells.
For more information about mold inspections and removal processes, call us today (406) 755-5322. We pride ourselves on being an authority on all things mold. If you have a question about this topic, do not hesitate to contact us today!
Where is mold?
When is mold a problem ?
Is all mold bad mold?
Is mold a problem for you?
D. Quinn Construction, Inc. is not a remediation company. To avoid any conflicts of interest, always hire a third party certified CRMI/CMI mold inspector for all pre-test and clearance post testing.